Here are some Wave photos from our recent Milne Travel tour: Crystal Cruises' Viking Passage: London to New York City
Below are photos I took from Deck 5 off the lobby, just outside the Crystal Dining Room. It may be difficult to recognize the size of the waves, so here is some information to help. At rest, in fairly calm water, the water level was a yard or more below Deck 4. In the photos, in any image where the horizon is not visible, the water is above eye level on Deck 5. Many of the images are of waves above Deck 5. Some of our group were on Deck 6 when waves hit windows on that deck. More than once our window on Deck 5 was underwater in a wave. In some of the images, you are actually looking up at the waves. The horizon is in a similar place in most of the vertical shots. That should offer you some perspective when looking at the tall waves.
Waves/swells on 9/4/07 were reported to be as much as 35' (trough to top of the wave). On 9/9/07, the waves/swells were reported as high as 45-50'.
9/4/07 North Atlantic, between Belfast, North Ireland and Reykjavik, Iceland
9/9/07 North Atlantic, between Nuuk, Greenland and Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada
This left image actually gives you a look at one of the troughs. Many of the troughs were likely well below Deck 4, perhaps even below Deck 3!
On the right is another look at one of the troughs.
This wave on the right looks like sculputed water. Another Mt. Mansfield look-a-like?
More Photos from my recent European tour:
Crystal Cruises' Viking Passage: London to New York City:
Jeff's photos from 8/30/07 to 9/8/07 Page 1 and Page 2.
Jeff's photos from 9/8/07 to 9/14/07 Page 3 and Page 4.
All photos Copyright © 2007 by Jeff Rogers.
All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2007 by Jeff Rogers.
All rights reserved