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from: PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals)


Paul McCartney, Pamela Anderson and Kid Rock, Chrissie Hynde, Russell Simmons, Charlize Theron Talk about Animal Rights

Norfolk, Va. - PETA TV launched today offering viewers front-row seats to PETA's 21st Anniversary and Humanitarian Awards Party. Visitors to PETA TV (link found at PETA will go backstage to see what the stars, including Paul McCartney, Pamela Anderson, Chrissie Hynde, Charlize Theron, and Bill Maher, had to say at PETA's birthday bash.

Pamela Anderson said exclusively to PETA , "Fur is for old people who smell like perfume too much." She was accompanied by her boyfriend, Kid Rock, who said he was proud of her work for the animals and PETA.

Also featured on PETA TV this week is an undercover video narrated by Rue McClanahan. The video depicting farm workers in Oklahoma beating and hammering pigs to death spurred last week's felony animal cruelty charges and won Rue a humanitarian award and standing ovation at PETA's party.

PETA is not just a Web site, it's a television station-with the look and feel of the real thing-with new video content daily and regular features including exclusive celebrity interviews and behind-the-scenes footage of photo shoots, shocking undercover investigations, campy and controversial commercials banned from mainstream TV, and footage of PETA activists doing what they do best-pulling stunts to focus attention on animal cruelty.

"This is real reality television. If you're looking for the lowdown on big-time abuse under the big top, exposés on the cruel skin trades, or the virtues of a veggies-only diet, PETA covers all the hot topics," says PETA TV producer Christine Hrul. "Day or night, Web surfers can turn on their compassion by tuning in to PETA TV: Animal Rights Television."

Visitors to PETA can sign up to receive a weekly PETA TV guide via e-mail.

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