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Extensive Nutrition Tables

The Internet's Ultimate Nutrition Tables!'s Extensive Nutrition Tables

We have put together these nutritional tables to empower people to make better choices in their diet. With both plant-based and animal-based whole foods listed with a variety of nutrients, our visitors can avoid the hype and "spin" offered by various industries regarding what they should eat, so they may choose on their own. Some of our nutrition pages do offer insights on nutrition from other health-related sites. These are often lesser known aspects of nutrition and the needs of the human body, as well as the effects of certain foods on the body.


Calories - Calories are a way of comparing the "fuel" values of various foods. Have a look at our extensive table ranked by amount of calories, including many nutrients.

Calcium - There's a great deal of calcium available to us in natural plant-based sources. Animal sources may actually defeat the purpose of consuming the product for calcium, in addition to adding unnecessary fat and cholesterol! Here is an extensive table with calcium content and other nutrients of a variety of foods.

Fat -Dietary fat is a necessary nutrient to the human diet and can also be abused. Find out how much fat is present in the foods in your diet. We have two extensive tables of foods ranked by their fat content. This table is ranked by total fat. The other is ranked by fat as a percentage of calories.

Fat as a percentage of calories

Fiber - Fiber is a very important nutrient in the human diet. Find out how much fiber is in the foods in your diet! This extensive table lists foods in order of their fiber content.

Food - Look up the nutrient content of your favorite foods. We list them alphabetized by name.

Iron - Vegan foods contain a great deal of iron. Take a look at our extensive table and see just how far down the list the first animal source is.

Magnesium - All the top magnesium foods are plant-based. Have a look...

Protein - Most "meat-eaters" actually get too much protein, which can lead to osteoporosis among other health problems. Here is an extensive table of protein content and other nutrients of a variety of foods.

Protein as a percentage of calories - This is a similar table, but based on the protein as a percentage of calories.

We do plan to add even more extensive tables in the future. This process can be a lengthy one, so we thank you for your patience.

Our listings are based on a 100 gram serving of each (the equivalent of 3.53 ounces), listed in a descending order from the highest to the lowest amount of the specific nutrient. The source of the data listed here is the USDA Nutrient Database: .

As there are so many different "food" products out there, many similar, but with different ingredients and since, by far, humans would have spent most of their evolution consuming whole foods, we chose to stick to whole foods in our tables. Whatever type of diet a person may choose to eat, benefits have been achieved simply by sticking to whole foods. Please keep in mind: organic foods do not contain the pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides, etc. that may be present on and in conventional products. These unnatural chemicals are very recent additions to the food chain, especially when looking at the grand scheme of things. These toxic ingredients are also concentrated in the meats and other high fat animal products of those animals eating conventional animal feed. The consumption of such animal products may result in even higher concentrations of those chemicals in people who choose to consume animal products. Supporting farms using such chemicals also supports those chemicals getting into the ground; into the air (possibly travelling hundreds of miles); and into the water (streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, and possibly your water faucet!)

Many people, throughout this world, may not spent much time considering all their food options. Thank you for taking the time to invest some time and effort into you health (and loved ones!)

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