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Raw Food Articles |
Here are some links to articles found in the online media about raw foods and related topics. Feel free to contact us if you find articles not listed/linked here!
Raw Food-Related |
Aug 31, 2008
Hilary Biller gets a taste of life on fruit and veg as nature intended — on a raw foodism course.
Capetonians Peter and Beryn Daniels are UK-trained chefs who run the Raw- Foods, Living-Foods Elements of Health Programme. They travel the country spouting raw- food principles and demonstrating how to prepare raw meals.
Written by: Ruth Marsh
Friday, August 29, 2008
Cake and guilt traditionally go hand-in-hand, but two pioneering Edinburgh cafes are making a move towards sweet treats that’ll keep your conscience smelling of roses.
Raw Food, as a movement, is normally associated with the blue skies and bright lights of California. Luminaries of 90s Hollywood like Demi Moore and Alicia Silverstone are devotees of the diet, which claims innumerable physical and mental benefits of consuming unprocessed, undiluted,’living’ foodstuffs- over 400 raw outlets can be found across the US.
It is, in fairness, the last food concept you’d expect to find launching in Scotland, even if it is in Edinburgh’s mellow, shabby-chic Stockbridge. To enter Red Sugar, you have to battle through the snaking queue waiting to buy bridies and yum yums from the Greggs next door, as owner Steve Montgomery wryly notes
Raw Food for Health and Beauty
August 27, 2008
You may have heard of raw foods, and might be wondering what it is. It's food made using only whole fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, and ideally organic. Might sound boring, but I assure you the recipes are delicious, nutritious, easy and fast to make, and keep us looking and feeling out best.
Raw, whole foods are tasty in summer
Raw and whole foods are alternatives to cooking on high heat
Adam Wilcox
August 20, 2008
Cooking soup in August never made much sense to me. Most of us want to avoid hot cooking in the summer heat — but we still want great food.
Meanwhile, some people have turned away from cooked food for deeper reasons. Some have moved toward raw and whole foods to fight cancer, high blood pressure or obesity. For others, it's a philosophical extension of an attitude about diet and environment. Can the summer gourmet learn from the approach? Of course.
Group's input behind restaurant concepts
Jane Black, Washington Post
August 20, 2008
WASHINGTON – When Sharon Greenspan went on a cross-country trip last year, she made sure to take photos of the restaurants she liked and to keep the menus.
It was the easiest way to remember that “lasagna” of zucchini, spinach and pine nuts she ate in Asheville, N.C., and the creamy coconut shake she tasted in Sedona, Ariz. Greenspan thinks both would be great for Elements, a new restaurant she is helping to open here.
Greenspan, 44, from Bethesda, Md., desperately wants a restaurant that caters to the raw food diet, which prescribes only fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds and sprouts, none of which have been heated above 112 degrees.
By Cate Trotter
Monday, August 11, 2008
Healthy, eco-friendly and innovative, raw food is offering a new way to excite and engage customers.
Trend description
Interest in raw food diets is growing, as cooked food gets slated in the media. Raw food proponents believe that cooking food destroys nutrients and enzymes as well as altering chemicals, so that food no longer benefits the consumer, introducing free-radicals and poisons instead. A raw food diet, which is vegan by nature, offers a supposedly healthier alternative, as well as offering sustainability benefits. The diet has a smaller carbon impact than a conventional one, due to its avoidance of animal products, lack of energy used for cooking, and inclusion of organic ingredients wherever possible.
By Marge C. Enriquez
Philippine Daily Inquirer
MANILA, Philippines-Culinary artist Cherie Lou Ignacio was a walking drugstore for most of her life. She suffered from hypertension at 21 years old, had a baby who died in her womb at 23, suffered from arthritis in her 30s, not to mention high cholesterol, and had lived on heavy medication until her 40s. Meanwhile, she established a successful but stressful Quickmelt Ensaymada business, went through a rocky relationship and survived it. As if the travails weren’t enough, she was diagnosed with kidney stones.
Not wanting to have them blasted, Ignacio decided to take the natural route by chucking in the white flour and refined sugar for a healthy diet of brown bread and green leafy vegetables. Eventually she met a naturopath who put her on a raw food diet. In three days, she was liberated from all her medications. Then she went on a detoxification program for another 10 days, eating salads, fresh fruits, coconut juice, tuber leaves, bitter gourd and radish. She lost three pounds on the first day. Then at the end of her program, she lost 16 pounds. “I lost weight without looking haggard,” she says.
Then she decided to reinvent herself at midlife as a raw food chef. She sold her ensaymada business and decided to pursue an alternative lifestyle. “I was managing 200 employees. I was just too glad to let go,” says Ignacio.
Dining out: At Omar's people dine in the raw
No-cook restaurant offers food for every kind of taste
By Vanessa Chang
Special to The Tribune
Loren Baum and his wife, Ferrah, stopped to get a piece... (Brenda Morfin / The Salt Lake Tribune )
Sugar House - A meat-eater, a lacto-ovo-pesco vegetarian and a picky eater walk into a raw food restaurant. They sit down and each order something different on the relatively small menu from the server who has his head endearingly in the clouds. They get their meal and the meat-eater says to the vegetarian, "hey you know, I'm actually really enjoying this bean burrito, even if it is wrapped in a cabbage leaf."
Yes, that's right. Nothing in the pantry or refrigerator in the Sugar House kitchen of Omar's Living Cuisine is, or ever will be cooked. I know, I know. You think I've lost it. Gone bonkers reviewing a place that doesn't even "cook" the ingredients. But considering the blistering heat of recent forecasts and more importantly, the sad state of American nutrition and obesity, it's a worthy alternative to explore, health nut or not.
No raw deal at Junction’s vegan diner
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
By Liz Campbell
I didn’t know what to expect from a restaurant without a stove. Rawlicious has dehydrators, choppers, blenders and other paraphernalia, but no oven.
This new restaurant has grown out of personal commitment. When Tracey Mulvihill was diagnosed with cancer last fall, she and her partner, Angus Crawford, began to search for a healthy solution. They tried raw food and discovered not only was it helping her but Crawford also felt stronger and healthier. So they decided to share their new passion.
According to Mulvihill, raw food can provide energy and vitality. Because nothing is heated above 118 ?F enzymes are not denatured and the vitamins and minerals remain in their natural state. But here’s the kicker: it actually tastes good.
Cook? Don't do it!
Raw eats seen as a better way
By Jan Norris, Cox News Service
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
PALM BEACH, Fla. — Juliano, a star in the raw food world, came to "cook" dinner recently in Palm Beach, Fla. He is a chef of a cuisine that requires no stove or oven – and definitely no microwave.
All five of the courses he prepared were made from "living" or raw foods, using a cutting board, a blender and a dehydrator.
For Hail Merry's Susan O'Brien (and scores of celebs) raw food is the way to health
Friday, June 20, 2008
by Jackie Bolin, Special to the Dallas Morning News
Madonna does it. Demi swears by it. And fashion designer Donna Karan says it was the only thing that helped her drop the extra 20 pounds she'd been trying to shed for decades.
It's the raw-food diet, an increasingly trendy eating regimen that emphasizes raw fruits, nuts and vegetables whose enzymes, essential oils and fatty acids have not been depleted by heating above 120 degrees. Enthusiasts say raw foods aid in digestion, help the body absorb nutrients and can improve everything from the health of your heart to your complexion.
Saf: the gourmet restaurant with raw ambitions
The cool culinary trend from the US that is taking off over here
Fiona Sims
May 31, 2008
The beetroot ravioli is looking good; tasting good, too, considering that it's not made with pasta. The beetroot acts as the parcel, cut into two paper-thin discs. The stuffing is a cashew herb “ricotta”, and it's served with an asparagus salad and balsamic figs, finished off with a slick of pumpkin seed oil. Sounds good, doesn't it? And it is. So is the rest of the meal at Saf, London's first gourmet raw food restaurant, which opened in the East End in April.
Raw, you say? Nothing is cooked over 48C. And we're not talking beef carpaccio or tuna sashimi - we're talking raw, organic vegetables that never reach boiling point, plus a few fruits and nuts. It even has a label: “living foods”, an offshoot of veganism. And before you say, oh surely that's just a hangover from hippy days, even the top Chicago chef Charlie Trotter is into it.
According to raw foodists, as they call themselves, cooking denatures the proteins in our food, rendering them harder to digest and use. It destroys 50 per cent of the protein and between 50 and 80 per cent of all vitamins and minerals; while pesticides break down into more toxic compounds when cooked, not to mention the lost oxygen and production of free radicals. But most importantly, they will tell you, longevity-promoting enzymes are destroyed when food is heated above 48C.
By Kristin Dizon, P-I Reporter
April 29, 2008
To go raw, you can kiss the microwave goodbye and unplug the stove. Adios, cow's milk. Helloooo, nut milk.
While it's still a tiny niche group that eats largely or exclusively raw, curiosity about raw food is on the rise.
Once viewed as fringe lunatics going back to the days before fire, raw foodists are ever more mainstream.
The movement is most active in New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles, but Seattle has a thriving scene, with a community of around 500 people and an increasing number of restaurants, markets and raw products.
by Rod Weatherbie
April 25, 2008 at 4:05 pm
The raw food diet isn’t yet very wide spread in Toronto. There are only a handful of restaurants and chefs here catering to this diet/philosophy. But the appeal of this seemingly restrictive way of eating may increase with the infusion of gourmet raw cuisine into the city’s dining scene, particularly at the sweet end of the spectrum.
Raw food culinary artist Jessica Acs is hoping that the appeal of flavour and excitement will lead folks to try a healthy alternative to traditional cooking.
Jessica, born in Toronto, trained at a culinary school in Northern California specializing in raw vegan cuisine. She started off vegetarian and gave veganism a chance while she was there. “It was the right environment. It’s easier when you are surrounded by other people doing it. And it’s pretty mainstream in California.”
The raw food movement immediately appealed to her. “I fell in love with it. I thought it was beautiful. It’s exciting to be a part of something that makes you feel really good and be dedicated to it.
“But I came back to Toronto, because I love this city and I wanted to bring something back that wasn’t so mainstream here.”
A Healthy Alternative for Battling ADD
April 23 , 2008
Long Beach, CA – Prescription drugs have long been the main weapon for children – and increasingly adults – when battling Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). Side effects for various medications can range from anxiety or nervousness to insomnia. “Before settling for the quick fix of pills, there are natural approaches that should be considered,” contends nutritional expert David Sandoval, author of “The Green Foods Bible.”
The causes of ADD, which is a recurrent pattern of behavior characterized by short attention spans, impulsivity and may include hyperactivity, are hot topics for debate and speculation as to whether it is environmental or genetic.
Years of research and studying, consulting with the world’s premiere authorities in holistic medicines and promoting raw food nutrition led Sandoval to create the “Plant-Based Nutrition Program,” which he believes can potentially help ADD sufferers (and/or their parents). He says there is most definitely a relationship between diet and disease, “Everything the human body needs to live a long, disease-free life has been provided by the Earth.”
How'd They Do That?
A raw-food chef turns nuts into cheese (and performs other delicious miracles).
The Boston Globe
April 20, 2008
The restaurant Grezzo, which, in Italian, means "rough or raw," opened two months ago in the North End. Its owner, Alissa Cohen, a petite brunette who is married and who divides her time among three states, is the author of the cookbook Living on Live Food, which prescribes eating only fruits, vegetables, sprouted grains, and nuts, with nothing cooked to temperatures above 112 degrees - a little warmer than a baby's bath water. Her restaurant does the same.
By Jan Norris, Palm Beach Post Food Editor
Thursday, April 17, 2008
PALM BEACH — Juliano, a star in the raw food world, came to "cook" dinner recently in Palm Beach. He is a chef of a cuisine that requires no stove or oven - and definitely no microwave.
All five of the courses he prepared were made from "living" or raw foods, using a cutting board, blender, and a dehydrator.
Juliano (last name, Brotman, though he doesn't give it out) and his partner Ariel Michaels, were brought in from their Santa Monica, Calif., restaurant by Kipper Lance to make dinner for 75 friends and fellow raw foodists.
Pasteurization Nation
How fresh foods are freaking out the feds, and why you should care
By Amelia Glynn, April 2008 | Healthy Living
If you’re not nuts about nuts (sorry, we just couldn’t resist), the USDA’s recent ruling requiring all store-sold raw almonds to be pasteurized probably passed under your radar. And it’s true, for the average occasional nut-eater, the raw almond ban was unlikely to raise an eyebrow. After all, a nut’s a nut right? How much difference could there be between pasteurized and unpasteurized?
Quite a lot, as it turns out. In the case of almonds, the difference is essentially one of life and death: a raw (living) almond can be sprouted and planted whereas a pasteurized almond cannot. And when you consider that almonds are just the latest target in the USDA’s campaign to pasteurize-whenever-possible, you might find it worth paying closer attention.
“Outlawing food products in their natural state is a slippery slope,” says Janabai Amsden, co-owner of Euphoria Loves Rawvolution Café in Santa Monica, California. “We are cheapening our food from both a price and nutritional standpoint.”
Cooking in a different light
Kim Honey, Food Editor
The environmental movement has changed profoundly the way we think about food.
When we try to eat local meat, fruit and vegetables produced within a 100-mile radius of our homes, we clear the air by taking a few dozen transport trucks off the road. Some of us buy organic food because it doesn't pollute the Earth or our bodies. Eating more vegetables and less meat reduces your carbon footprint.
Now, the focus is shifting to cooking, where environmental bogeymen lurk: Torontonians are advised not to use propane barbecues on smog days; gas stoves burn through a non-renewable energy resource; and freezers, refrigerators and microwaves are energy vampires, sucking up electricity produced partly by coal-fired generating stations.
But there is one way of eating that can minimize your carbon footprint and that is a raw-food diet. And even though raw foodists often rely on electrical appliances to grind, mix or chop their food, it is possible to peel and whisk by hand.
The Raw Food Diet – The Best Anti Aging Skin Care?
March 21, 2008 - 4:29am
The raw food diet is becoming increasingly popular, not just with celebrities but also "regular people". They are beginning to see how a raw food diet can dramatically improve the way you look and feel as well as extending your life expectancy.
By reading on you'll discover some of the benefits of a raw food eating plan but you'll also get some useful meal plan ideas and recipes which might just encourage you to give this diet a go for the good of your health. At least this way you'll know what to expect if you decide to give the raw food diet a go. That way, you can decide if it is something you'd like to look into a little further.
30 Days of Raw
Three Hartford Courant staffers blog their 30-day challenge to get healthy by eating only raw foods.
March 28, 2008
Going raw: Worth a shot?
Going on a vegan raw-food diet for 30 days strikes me alternately as a great opportunity to revise my eating habits into something healthier, and a living hell.
First the hell part: I like cooked foods. A lot. Giving them up is going to be a challenge, for sure. No steak? No eggs? No cheese? Ouch.
On the other hand, raw foodists rave about how energetic they feel all the time, and tout the various benefits of a chillier diet. Sure, I’m a little skeptical, and I wonder if I’ll spend the next 30 days with hunger pangs. But I’m also willing to give it a shot: Getting in the habit of gravitating toward healthy food can only be a good thing, especially given an irregular work schedule that makes it all too tempting to eat junk on the run.
Grezzo Restaurant
Raw power
By Robert Nadeau
March 19, 2008
Grezzo, which means “raw” in Italian, is an upscale vegan restaurant specializing in “raw and living food.” No heat above 112 degrees is permitted, so the only cooking appliance is a dehydrator. Cold is allowed, so there’s gelato. But since there’s no dairy, the ice cream and cold sauces are made from nut milk. The menu is also pretty much devoid of gluten. The compensation for all of these limitations is the ingenuity of chef Alissa Cohen, who’s been eating this way for more than 20 years, plus an enormous variety of top-of-the-line vegetable ingredients.
Munch the crunch
Including raw vegetables in your diet has many advantages
Jacqueline Louie, For Neighbours
Thursday, March 13, 2008
The raw truth about vegetables and good health is: munch the crunch.
Most are aware of the benefits of including vegetables in their diets, but the advantages of choosing them raw is not as widely acknowledged, says Diana Stoevelaar, co-founder with her partner Manu Davé of the Calgary Raw Vegan Network.
"You don't need to be vegetarian -- you need to be curious and willing to learn new ways to incorporate more raw fruits and vegetables into your diet," says Stoevelaar, a raw food educator and coach who has lived on a high raw food diet for 17 years.
Will Raw Food Help You Feel Better?
Raw Foodists Avoid Heat, Unnatural Products
Darlene Dunn, Staff writer
February 25, 2008
Some people have taken to eating uncooked foods in an effort to lose weight, but Alissa Cohen says a raw food diet does much more for her than that.
Cohen has followed the raw food diet for more than 20 years.
"People do it to lose weight and then realize how amazing they feel," Cohen said.
Many are interested in the lifestyle and diet because of weight loss claims and other health benefits.
Whole Foods Adds Raw Food Grab-N-Go Line
February 21, 2008
MARIN, Calif. -- Riding another trend in healthy eating, Whole Food Markets in Northern California are offering "raw food" grab-n-go items.
The grocer, in collaboration with Chef Roxanne Klein, is stocking items such as Tibetan Trail Mix and pinwheel sandwiches made from nuts and soy, according to a report in Contra Costa Times.
"What I find is that when people try raw foods, they are first bowled over by how they taste, then they realize how much better raw foods make them feel," the celebrated chef told the newspaper. Klein invested two years designing a line of grab-and-go raw foods that just rolled out at the Whole Foods Markets.
Nutrition expert David Wolfe comes to Seattle
February 14, 2008
Author and nutrition expert David Wolfe comes to town Saturday and Sunday to extol the raw-food lifestyle.
Wolfe, author of "Naked Chocolate" and "Eating for Beauty," will be the keynote speaker at the Raw Network of Washington's annual fundraising gala and dinner at the Columbia Tower Saturday.
Tickets cost $100. He'll also speak Sunday at a three-hour session at Bastyr University in Kenmore.
Tickets for the general public are $35. For more information or to buy tickets, go to or
Raw Foods May Be New Trend In Healthy Eating
Raw Food Restaurant To Open In Boston's North End
February 11, 2008
BOSTON -- Diets can be vegetarian, organic or even vegan. Now, a restaurant opening this week in Boston's North End is offering all raw foods, but there's certainly more on the menu than just carrots and celery sticks.
Gnocci with fresh peas, mushroom lasagna and even decadent chocolate cake: these are just some of the items being offered at Grezzo, a new restaurant opening in Boston's famous North End. But this restaurant does not cook a thing.
"The concept of Grezzo is fresh whole live foods," said Alissa Cohen, the restaurant's owner and author of the cookbook, "Living On Live Food." "Everything is made from fruits, vegetables, nuts and sprouted grains," she said.
CHECKING IN WITH ... Jenny Ross:
Getting raw
Jenny Ross, the executive chef of the 118 Degrees raw food restaurant at the Camp, has catered to a small but choice crowd in her years as a restaurateur.
By Michael Miller
Reader Feedback - Currently No comments posted. Comments
Feb 06, 2008
Jenny Ross, the executive chef of the 118 Degrees raw food restaurant at the Camp, has catered to a small but choice crowd in her years as a restaurateur. The Orange County native founded the Taste of the Goddess Cafe in Los Angeles before launching her new enterprise in Costa Mesa last year — and she’s served a few famous people along the way. Ross spoke to the Daily Pilot before another arduous day of not cooking for her customers.
Woman says she found the fountain of youth
By Tania Rogers
This South Florida woman says she has found the fountain of youth. Annette Larkins attributes it to all of the raw food she eats. She says diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer were prevalent in her family.
Wake Up LA: Raw Oatmeal, Cinnamon Rolls & Smoothies
February 3, 2008
Is there not a fresher way to start your morning of then with raw food? Eating uncooked (nothing above 110 degrees F) and unprocessed organic vegan food might be just the wake-me-up energizer some need and with two locations in the Los Angeles area, Leaf Cuisine might fit that bill.
L.O.V.E. may be 'fast' track to eating well
BY Rachel Wharton
January 20th 2008
Briefly hospitalized early last week, Gwyneth Paltrow really got the gossips going over her diet: Reports had her shunning hospital fare in favor of the L.O.V.E. fast - a week of raw, vegan, organic food from the lower East Side food and fashion shop called Organic Avenue. Reports were that Paltrow had the meals delivered to her hospital room.
We know what you're thinking: No wonder the starlet's in the hospital if all she's eating is sunflower seed paste.
But the alternative medicine-friendly Gwynnie might be on to something good.
Raw food revolution
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
By Lisa Thomas-Laury
Royersford, Pa.: January 14, 2008 -- It seems everyday there's a new diet or suggested way to eat that promises you will lose weight, have more energy and improve your health overall. We've come across one program that sounds pretty extreme and its followers are making some pretty remarkable claims, although dietitians are skeptical.
Recently we went to a gathering in Royersford, Montgomery County that started out like any other big social dinner.
But there is a big difference.
"Fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds," said our host, Lisa Montgomery.
That's it! It's called "Raw Food" eating, there's no meat, no fish, no dairy, no processed food and nothing is cooked.
"It's not a diet it's a lifestyle.
Eat me raw
Seven days of ‘live’ food
By Nicholas Miller
Doctors diagnosed my aunt with terminal pancreatic cancer in 2003, a disease that kills most within three to six months. She lived for nearly three years, in part because of her excellent doctors and supportive family, but also because of her regimented lifestyle change when it came to food.
A good portion of her new diet consisted of raw and live foods: fresh-juiced fruits and vegetables; dehydrated foods; uncooked, unprocessed, local products; nuts, grains, etc. Nutritionists emphasize a predominately raw diet for myriad reasons—enzymes in uncooked foods aid digestion, freeing up enzymes in your body for other metabolic uses (disease fighting, etc.); live foods have bacteria that aid the colon; raw foods have greater bioavailability and nutritional value (heat kills!). Raw-food enthusiasts claim that diets can lead to improved strength, clearer skin, stable weight, and elimination of the common cold and other nagging illnesses.
That said, is it reasonable to eat only raw, live, fresh, local, organic vegetarian food? Could you do it for a week?
Raw deal: I try the toughest New Year diet of them all
By Lowri Turner
January 3, 2008
Raw vegetable 'hamburgers', uncooked curry and green algae chocolate bars. Forget all those other New Year diets...Lowri Turner goes cold turkey with the toughest detox of them all...
The first day of my seven day raw lifestyle challenge begins with a home visit from raw lifestyle coach, Jess Michael. She doesn't have the consumptive pallor you expect from a vegan, and is actually quite perky. Still, we'll see how perky I am in a week.
Veggie Magic in Sarasota
December 19, 2007
The Bay area is far from a hotbed of vegetarian or vegan activity, with few restaurants dedicated to serving meatless diners. It's even worse down in Sarasota, except they have one thing going for them: the Gulf Coast's first raw restaurant — Veggie Magic (4428 Bee Ridge Road, Sarasota, 941-377-6209 or — newly opened last month.
Looking raw-ly good ... Alicia Silverstone
By Emma Patterson
13 Nov 2007
ANOTHER week, another LA diet fad hits the headlines.
This time it's Batman babe Alicia Silverstone and she's raving about RAW food.
The sexy star - who recently stripped off to front a racy PETA campaign - says she owes her shapely figure to munching raw fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds.
Raw talent Uncooked diet catching on with the health-conscious
By Cate Lecuyer , Staff Writer, Salem News
November 12, 2007 12:00 am
BEVERLY - Imagine life without potato chips and candy bars. Imagine eating all your vegetables. Imagine never using your stove again.
That's the basis of a raw food diet, which seems to be gaining popularity around the world and on Cabot Street, home to one of New England's only restaurant that serves predominately raw food.
Organic Garden is a destination for raw foodies, as they're called, who drive hours to eat out in the only place where they can order something they can't make themselves, and go home inspired. It's appealing to locals, as well.
Swampscott resident Deb Fox has been on the diet for about six years. It's more of a lifestyle, she said, one that grows on you by the meal. In the last year, she made the jump from eating about 50 percent raw to 90 percent.
Health Ranger report from the Raw Spirit Festival 2007, Sedona, Arizona
by: Mike Adams
Saturday, October 13, 2007
I'm bringing you this report live from the Raw Spirit Festival taking place this weekend in Sedona, Arizona ( The festival brings together thousands of participants, over a hundred raw foods vendors and dozens of top-notch speakers, authors and artists who have so far delivered an unforgettable experience in raw living foods and high-vibration living. Organized by the delightful visionary Happy Oasis (yes, that's her real name), the festival has grown ten times in size over last year's festival, bringing the attendee count to well over 2,500 (and probably closer to 3,000). For a festival focused on raw living foods nutrition -- which was barely a blip on the radar of mainstream America just two years ago -- this is phenomenal growth. Raw foods is going mainstream!
Flash in the Pan
Hot for brains, raw for bodies
By: Ari LeVaux
The brain of an adult human uses 25% of the total energy expended by the entire organism, much higher than our closest primate relatives, whose brains use about 8% of their energy. The high energy cost of building, using, and maintaining our brains has long presented a riddle to evolutionary theorists. Where did this extra energy come from?
One idea is that as our ancestors switched to a meat-heavy diet, our large guts—which were capable of digesting large amounts of vegetative material—shrunk. Since meat generally contains a greater density of protein and calories than vegetables, this digestive shift allowed our ancestors to target a more efficient form of energy, while helping them develop the brainpower to hunt it. Evidence from many corners of the animal kingdom suggests that the meat eaters are smarter.
But many scientists believe that the speed with which the human brain evolved suggests that a gradual shift to a meat based diet was too gradual to fully explain this development.
“Cooking produces soft, energy-rich foods,” says Richard Wrangham, a primatologist at Harvard. This, he explains, increases the efficiency with which the food’s energy is extracted. Fewer calories are spent in digestive efforts, which leaves a higher margin of caloric recovery.
Even if it’s true that cooked meat may have helped us evolve to where we are, I think it’s worth considering that the next dietary breakthrough might come from the opposite culinary corner: raw vegetables!
By Vince Basehart
The Lens sets out to buy a roll of duct tape.
At Busy Bee Hardware, the venerable shop that has been keeping Santa Monicans in nuts and bolts for as long as anyone can remember, next to a display case filled with pocket knives, just above cans of WD-40, he discovers a comprehensive library on raw food veganism.
Raw food veganism is the hardcore version of vegetarianism. Nothing cooked. Zero animal products. All fruits and vegetables are eaten for the most part the way they are found in nature. And forget about caffeine, alcohol, sugar, salt and a few other things the Lens considers the foundation of a civilized life.
Finding books titled "Raw Food Life Force Energy" and "Eating Without Heating" at a place that sells spackle and nails, is as incongruous as finding lingerie for sale at Pep Boys.
Baked butternut squash is a staple in the fall, but it's good raw, too.
Liz Kohman
Yes, that's right, the gourd with flesh so thick and dense that it's difficult to cut can be eaten raw. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't tried it myself.
A few days ago, a group of my friends and I went on a culinary adventure to the local raw foods restaurant. The restaurant serves a variety of dishes made from organic fruits, nuts, seeds and vegetables that aren't cooked at all during preparation. As the only vegetarian in the group and the only person to have sampled raw food before, I was a little nervous about how my foodie friends would digest the menu.
Raw diet is healthy alternative
By Laura McFarland, Rocky Mount Telegram
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
The changes were subtle at first.
He noticed he had more energy. His arthritis pain did not seem so bad.
A few months after Ken Moorefield went on a strict raw food diet, he could barely believe the differences in his health.
"I had lost probably 25 pounds and was already off of cholesterol and blood pressure medicine and already on my way to being pretty healthy again," said Moorefield of Rocky Mount.
Now, seven months after he started eating only fruits and vegetables, Moorefield has lost more than 50 pounds, cut his diabetes medicine dosage in half and had about 90 percent of his arthritis pain disappear.
Forget Your George Foreman: The Raw Food Diet Gains Popularity
by Meredith Roberts
Sixty three year old Linda Ramirez offers a new, ground breaking cooking technique before an Earth Fare demo on Raw Foods Wednesday, September 12 – “Stick your finger in it,” she says. “If its too hot to put your finger in, its probably been cooked too much.”
Like Ramirez, Foodies across the nation are seizing their thermometers as a relatively new eating and lifestyle trend, the raw food diet, gains popularity. The emerging trend seeks to fill the diet with enzyme-rich, organic foods, with the new magical number at 116 degrees.
Followers of the raw food movement believe that heating food above the coveted 116 degree mark kills enzymes that assist in the absorption and digestion of food. Without these enzymes the body relies on its own metabolic enzymes for digestion, consuming energy and often leaving diners to feel sluggish. Seventy five percent or more of the diet must be made of raw or living food in order to experience the health benefits that leave diners feeling lighter and more energized.
Raw Food Diet - Cure for Weight Loss and Eating Disorders
Submitted by admin on Tue, 2007-09-18
Raw food diet is one of the easiest way to remove fat from diet. Easiest way to lose weight. Probably the best way to approach eating disorders, says Gary Novak.
A raw food diet creates major improvements in health. The reasons are not known, but the experience is unmistakable. Weight normalizes, which generally means a reduction in fat. At the same time, a person feels extremely energized. It's as if energy would rather be burned up than converted to fat.
There seems to be a major shift in physiology which makes one feel highly energized from raw food. I can only theorize why this occurs. It is quite likely that a large part of cooked food can only go into fat production, because heat and acid alter it making it unmetabolizable in other complex processes. By contrast, raw food should break down into components which can be directly metabolized in a variety of cells.
Health gets so refined and perfected with a raw food diet that a person notices effects of all types. The result is an important source of information about nutrition and quality of food.
By: eMaxHealth on Sep 18 2007
Many dietitians advocate for raw food diet, which arguably provides good weight loss results and is health, but many people say they don't [wash] vegetables and fruits before eating them.
Raw Food Diet plans are so popular that a simple search brings numerous results. In fact some books on raw food diet even come up with second editions. For example the book by Jordan Maerin titled "Raw Foods for Busy People," published by Lulu press.
Fresh approach to green living on the Mendocino coast
Fort Bragg inn, cafe celebrate 'Living Light'
Christine Delsol, Special to The Chronicle
Sunday, September 16, 2007
(09-16) 04:00 PDT Fort Bragg -- Perennially in the shadow of its glamorous neighbor to the north, Fort Bragg has built its own following among visitors who forgo Mendocino's postcard perfection and precious inns for lower prices and uncrowded streets. Fort Bragg shares the rugged shoreline that is, after all, the Mendocino coast's primary lure. And its expanding retinue of galleries and gourmet restaurants among the hardware stores and bike shops creates an appealing blend of cosmopolitan attractions and working-class attitude.
Most guests discover the inn through the Living Light Culinary Institute, which draws students from all over the world to its courses on raw food. The cooking school was new to me, but the inn is in the same dignified Craftsman home, in a residential neighborhood settled by wealthy lumber families in the 1920s. Rooms are spacious and homey, and the parlor and sun room with their warm redwood paneling have enough antiques to make the place look like a period piece.
Organic almond supporters roast pasteurization plan
George Raine, Chronicle Staff Writer
Thursday, August 23, 2007
A new food regulation that mandates the pasteurization of California almonds leaves a bad taste in the mouth of Jesse Schwartz, a purveyor of raw organic almond butter and other natural foods in Berkeley.
For 25 years, as president of Living Tree Community Foods, he has done business with small Central Valley farmers, and now, effective Sept. 1, he'll have to buy raw nuts for processing from Italy, Spain and Turkey - almonds of lesser quality, he will tell you.
"Almonds are a part of the heritage of the American people, and it makes me very sad that they're about to dump a fumigant on our American heritage," Schwartz said, referring to a method of pasteurization that involves chemicals.
Mom was right; fresh fruit and veggies good for you
By Bill Bradley
Aug. 14, 2007
Brenda Davis, registered dietitian and nutritionist from British Columbia, supports the Eat Local concept.
She spoke to the the Northern Vegetarian Society Monday night at the Marguerite Lougheed Community Centre Monday night.
“It can be tough in Canada due to the shorter growing season, but it is all about balance. I buy local fruits where I live and freeze them.
"I try as much as I can to eat locally, but if you want to have a lot of plant-based food in your diet, you have to import a fair amount in the winter or else you are forced to eat more meat,” said Davis.
Davis stresses the beneficial health effects of vegetables and fruits.
California almond growers request 6-month delay of federal pasteurized almond rule
By Garance Burke, Associated Press
August 7, 2007
The largest organization of almond growers is asking the government for a six-month delay before enforcing a new rule requiring all California almonds to be pasteurized, saying farmers can't adjust in time to meet the original deadline.
FRESNO – The largest organization of almond growers is asking the government for a six-month delay before enforcing a new rule requiring all California almonds to be pasteurized, saying farmers can't adjust in time to meet the original deadline.
In January, the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced it would require virtually all almonds to be pasteurized by Sept. 1, following Salmonella outbreaks in 2001 and 2004 that were traced to raw almonds.
Now the California Almond Board wants to push back the implementation date to March 1, 2008, to give pasteurization facilities time to validate their processes and machinery and avoid interrupting the flow of nuts to the market.
SDA Plan to "Pasteurize" Almonds Has Consumers Going Nuts
Mandate Would Require Use of Chemical Fumigant or Heat Treatment on "Raw" Almonds
CORNUCOPIA, WI., August 6, 2007 /Natural Newswire/ -- Small-scale farmers, retailers, and consumers are renewing their call to the USDA to reassess the plan to “pasteurize” all California almonds with a toxic fumigant or high-temperature sterilization process. All domestic almonds will be mandated to have the treatments by early next year. The plan was quietly developed by the USDA in response to outbreaks of Salmonella in 2001 and 2004 that were traced to raw almonds.
“The almond ‘pasteurization’ plan will have many harmful impacts on consumers and the agricultural community,” said Will Fantle, research director for The Cornucopia Institute, a Wisconsin-based farm policy research group. “Only 18 public comments from the entire U.S.—and all from almond industry insiders—were received on the proposal. The logic behind both the necessity and safety of the treatments processes has not been fully or adequately analyzed—as well as the economic costs to small-scale growers and the loss of consumer choices.”
Last Wednesday, the California Almond Board suddenly requested that USDA delay the treatment mandate until March, 2008—it had been scheduled to take effect on September 1. “We support this request for a delay,” said Fantle, “but a delay, due to the industry being unprepared, isn’t enough. The USDA must also re-open the rule for public review and comment so that those who have been shut out of the decision-making process can have input into any almond treatment plan.”
Mandatory almond pasteurization restricts consumer rights and religious freedom.
Seattle, WA (PRWEB) August 2, 2007 -- As of September 1, 2007, all almonds produced in California, which are destined for the U.S., Canada, and Mexico will be required to undergo pasteurization, or at least that is the ruling passed by the Almond Board of California with the backing of the USDA. Raw foodists around the world depend on a reversal of this ruling and followers of the Essene teachings may face giving up one of their staples.
The basic reason for this exercise in control over citizen's food is two separate incidents of salmonella poisoning found in raw almonds over the last six years. These incidents involved conventional almonds, not organic almonds. Even though no incidents of salmonella poisoning have been reported from organic raw almonds, the Almond Board has decided that they, too, should be pasteurized. So, while there has been no evidence that raw organic almonds are susceptible to salmonella poisoning, the Almond Board is taking away the major source of one of raw foodists' staples.
The draw -- and drawbacks -- of raw
Raw foodists show B12 deficiencies in studies. Supposed benefits are still unproven.
By Susan Bowerman, Special to The Times
July 30, 2007
Sylvester Graham, the health food advocate whose name we associate with the snack cracker, suggested in 1839 that humans might never become ill if we consumed only raw foods. Many people today would agree with him.
The growing interest in vegetarianism -- driven by health and environmental concerns -- has spawned an offshoot known as the raw foods movement.
No exact definition exists, but raw food diets are often described as "uncooked vegan diets" -- which exclude all animal products and byproducts -- or more loosely as "uncooked vegetable diets" or "living foods" diets. Adherents consume from half to virtually all of their foods raw. Aside from fruits and vegetables, the diets include raw nuts and seeds and are rounded out with sprouted grains and beans.
Nature's call
New downtown eatery serves up nutrient-rich raw foods, bought locally
By Laura Hauser
At first glance, the House of Nature's Own is reminiscent of a small, vibrant coffee shop, where black-framed oil paintings of fruit and vegetables hang from elegant walls of burnt orange and pale yellow while soft jazz music plays in the background.
The restaurant's eclectic atmosphere may beckon patrons, but it's what comes out of an ovenless kitchen that makes this eatery distinctive from others in Chico.
Each dish is a compilation of raw fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts, seeds and spices—all prepared under 118 degrees to preserve nutritious enzymes often lost during cooking and baking. This unusual method sometimes employs the use of a dehydrator to whip up dishes ranging from entrees of "live" nachos and lasagna to rich desserts, such as dark-chocolate ganache, which is prepared without using white flour, white sugar or processed salt.
Chefs to face raw-food test at 'Summer Bear' benefit
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
PROVO — Raw-food chefs will be put to the test Friday at a fund-raiser for "Summer Bear," a nonprofit organization dedicated to eliminating obesity and its related illnesses.
The event starts at 6:30 p.m. at the Food Garden, 698 E. 300 South. Cost is $5 at the door.
The chefs will be led to tables of fresh foods. There they will compete to see who can make the most savory dish in the allotted time. The prepared food will then be auctioned as part of the fund-raiser. Call 356-9711 or 360-0731 for information.
Mia Stainsby, Vancouver Sun
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Aaron Ash
Chef/Owner: Gorilla Food
I mainly became interested in organic and vegetarian food when I was 19 -- I'm 30 now. At that point I started to think about animal rights and about the benefits of vegetarian food. I started cooking vegetarian for myself.
My jobs in a record store and health food store in Regina connected me to Mike D, the drummer with Beastie Boys [a seminal hip-hop group]. His wife, a film director, was shooting there.
…I taught myself. When I was in Regina, a guy opened the first vegetarian restaurant and I worked there. He had travelled the world and studied all kinds of vegetarian cuisines. Then I met this raw food lady in L.A.; she was the first strictly raw foodist I'd met. She'd written a couple of cookbooks.
And you've also cooked for Woody Harrelson?
'Fruitarians' take diets far beyond an apple a day
By Brian Henderson And Stephanie Merry, Columbia News Service
May 13, 2007
When Joe Bernstein meets friends for a dinner out, he knows ahead of time that there will be nothing on the menu for him to eat.
"They do accommodate me, though," he says. "I just ask for a dish of sliced avocado."
You could say Bernstein is mad about fruit. He is a fruitarian, or frugivore, and he adheres to a lifestyle that is a niche within a subset of vegetarianism. Bernstein, who lives in New York City, eats only raw fruit, a diet that includes some nuts and non-sweet fruit like avocado and tomato. A typical day's meals may include sunflower seeds with a few servings of fruit, such as pears or plums, for breakfast; a coconut shake with bananas for lunch; and Brazil nuts with tomatoes and avocado for dinner.
Weekend Grub: Rawsome Vegan Burritos with Guacamole
May 12, 2007
By Megan Prusynski
Eating lower on the food chain is a great way to curb global warming and reduce your footprint on the earth. Even reducing your intake of meat by a little bit is a big step for the environment.
...My green living journey began with going vegetarian and later vegan, and now my partner and I have been exploring going even further with a vegan diet by experimenting with raw and living vegan foods. Raw foods are in a more natural state and contain beneficial enzymes that are normally killed by high temperatures. The main benefits of a raw diet are health ones, but there are environmental benefits as well. Since there is no cooking involved, less energy is used
Conversations: David WolfeInterview by Ritzy Ryciak
May 2007
He might not convert you, but after hearing him speak you’ll definitely have a fresh perspective on raw food — and quite possibly crave a cashew cacao smoothie. Known as David “Avocado” Wolfe by fans, this 13-year raw foodist drinks only water for breakfast and “has been around the sun 36 times” — his response to the question of how old he is. The author of a handful of nutrition books, including his latest, Naked Chocolate, Wolfe — who maintains his raw food diet keeps him depression-free — has made his life’s work spreading the raw word. A superstar on the raw lecture circuit, he is the cofounder of Sunfood Nutrition (, an online distributor of exotic raw foods, books and products all geared toward helping health seekers live a more “plant-food-based lifestyle.” Wolfe, who studied at Oxford University and holds a law degree from University of San Diego, will be the first to tell you that humanity’s “fall from grace is the cooking of food” and that keepin’ it raw could change the world and save the planet. True to his global and green vision, he is the President of the nonprofit Fruit Tree Planting Foundation ( — its stated goal is to plant an ambitious 18 billion fruit trees.
We Like it Raw
The ultimate fringe food culture sexes it up for the mainstream
By Becca Campbell and Ritzy Ryciak
May 2007
Even within the natural food movement’s inner core, Raw foodists can’t get no love. Tell most folks you limit your diet to just fresh, uncooked fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds, and responses range from bewildered admiration (“Wow. You do that?!? I could never deal”) to bemused skepticism (“uh, whatever floats your boat, I guess”) to snark bordering on hostility (“what are you, a f’ing rabbit?”). Even the possibility of “increased energy and vitality” — the raw foodie’s beckoning promise — couldn’t persuade most of us to consign to a lifetime of carrots and celery. And so the “Raw Way” has largely remained a path for only the most disciplined zealot and/or narcissistic celebrity with the disposable funds to bankroll a personal chef.
But like any great idea whose time is nigh, raw food is maturing beyond its uncooked beginnings to a lifestyle choice that allows for flexibility, creativity, and above all — (dare we say?) great taste. Glossy cookbooks, fresh new restaurants, raw chocolate smoothies and healthy, happy raw enthusiasts — who are anything but cultish or militant — are moving Raw out of the fringe and into the mainstream.
May 2007
“I have the longest standing raw food restaurant in the country,” states Karyn Calabrese, owner of Karyn’s Inner Beauty Center, Raw Vegan Gourmet and Fresh Corner Café. “I’m so proud of that because I’m in Chicago, a meat-packing town.”
Through private diet counseling sessions and raw food prep classes out of her home, Calabrese supported her restaurant until it could stand on its own. 20 years later, Karyn’s, a gorgeous 7500 square foot raw mecca in Lincoln Park, provides nutritional counseling, food preparation classes, detoxifying services and mouthwatering living food everyday. “It was just a dream and I stuck to it.”
Raw foods make a delicious mealLucette Moramarco
Staff Writer
A year and a half ago, Angelena Bosco of Rainbow went on a raw food diet to try to lose weight. Eight months and 45 pounds later, she decided she had found a better way to live. “The human body is meant to process plant foods [not meat or refined, processed foods],” she said.
Adoring Yourself and Your Appetizer
By Christine Muhlke
April 18, 2007
San Francisco
I AM Luscious. Say it. Now try it on a stranger.
Unable to bring myself to say those three little words to the waitress, I jabbed at the menu. A few minutes later, she presented me with a smoothie made with hazelnut milk, figs, dates, vanilla and raw cacao, making eye contact as she said: “You are luscious!”
And so it goes at Cafe Gratitude, a raw-food restaurant in San Francisco, where every order is a self-affirmation — I Am Open, I Am Beautiful, I Am Powerful — mirrored back to you by your server.
If it sounds like “The Secret: The Restaurant,” you might not be far off: the positivity-preaching millionaire owners (“although there is no solid evidence that his wealth is a result of his practice,” their Web site says) have opened four Bay Area locations in three years, and plan to expand.
“All of our food is local, sustainable, organic, vegan and raw,” begin the well-programmed servers, “except for our rice and quinoa, which are steamed. Quinoa is an ancient....” But that’s the tip of the menu.
Raw food means healthy food for Ashland family
By Curt Hopkins, For the Tidings
April 17, 2007
Victoria Boutenko's family was a mess. Victoria had arrhythmia and edema and was obese and depressed. Her husband Igor had rheumatoid arthritis and hyperthyroid problems. Her son Sergei was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes and was supposed to go on insulin and her daughter Valya had asthma.
But their ill-health was not due to a diet of burgers and ice cream.
"We were eating a standard diet, according to the (nutritional) pyramid that existed at the time," she said. "We actually considered we were eating better than most others."
Victoria's arrhythmia was the fulcrum for the change. Her doctor told her there was nothing more that could be done for her condition, a condition that had claimed her father.
"I believe in my heart it's not right to die at 38," she said. "First I cried all night and it didn't help. I prayed but didn't hear anything. So, I went out on the street and asked people who looked healthy what they did."
After two months of such on-the-ground research Victoria met a woman in her sixties who told her about raw food, though it was another four months before she made transition to raw foods.
Video: Durian "Wars" Fought in Malaysia Hotels
February 28, 2007—Rotten fish with custard, a dead dog, private parts. These are just some of the words used to describe the unique aroma of one of the most popular foods in Southeast Asia.
Like fine cheese in France, the pungent durian is considered a prized delicacy in Malaysian Borneo, and a single fruit can sell for the equivalent of $50 (U.S.).
Get a nose-safe view of the smelly treat some consider worth killing for, and find out why Malaysian hotels are waging a war with their guests over the beloved seasonal food.
lust for life
Raw food fanatics chow down on ‘living’ food
Sujata Gupta
Ryan Gehring doesn’t eat anything canned or cooked. “Eating raw connects me with…life. I become more sensitized to the energies within and without me,” says Gehring, a raw food practitioner, chef, consultant and incidentally, my housemate. The term “raw food” is something of a misnomer. “Anything can be raw. All of nature is raw. It doesn’t mean that you should eat it.”
Dr. Diana Joy Ostroff, an O‘ahu-based naturopathic physician/acupuncturist, says her dictionary of raw foods includes fruits, vegetables, nuts, uncooked seeds, sprouts and sprouted legumes. Ostroff adds that some raw foods, such as quinoa, can actually be “cooked” as long as they’re heated at temperatures below about 118, the holy maximum temperature in the raw food world
Ahimsa offers raw vegan gourmet
Eva Podaras, Staff Reporter
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Ahimsa, a new vegetarian restaurant that specializes
in raw food that will open next week, increases New
Haven’s variety of establishments geared toward
the health-conscious.
Raw food may not sound appealing, but for the owners of Ahimsa — a new restaurant on Chapel Street that is set to open next week — it is the cutting edge in the fast-growing market of vegetarian and vegan gourmet food.
By Juli Steadman Charkes, Columbia News Service
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
A raw food diet is no longer an underground trend. Devotees say it offers unparalleled health benefits.
New Beginning
Woody Harrelson's healthy lifestyle motivated him to
return to the big screen
January 16, 2007
By Siobhan Synnot
Hollywood star Woody Harrelson swears by his diet of
raw beans, nuts and veg. His eyes are bright, his skin
is clear and he says he feels great.
But there is a drawback - his eating habits also made his Prairie Home Companion co-star Lindsay Lohan a little bit wary of him.
By Claire Heald
BBC News Magazine
What if humans cast aside processed foods and saturated
fats in favour of the sort of diet our ape-like ancestors
once ate? Nine volunteers gave it a go... and were glad
they did so.
is the law Raw is the law in this diet
by Juli Steadman Charkes, Columbia News Service
December 31, 2006
On a cold fall night, students sat shoulder to shoulder
in rapt attention at New York City’s Institute
for Integrative Nutrition as their instructor led them
through a cooking class that was missing some standard
appliances. There were no ovens, stovetops or microwaves
in operation.
Absent were any references to roasting, broiling or
baking. Even steaming was verboten. What was turning
up the heat among this group of health and nutrition
enthusiasts, it turned out, were all things raw.
By Richard Chin, Pioneer Press
Posted on Thu, Oct. 12, 2006
On the day we went to dinner at Ecopolitan in Minneapolis, my 15-year-old daughter, Robin, had eaten leftover pizza for breakfast and leftover steak for lunch. So, for dinner, I thought it might be a good time for something a little more healthful, like Ecopolitan's menu of all-organic vegan dishes.
We were joined by my friend Heidi, who doesn't eat red meat, and her kids, Ethan, 11, and Hannah, 14, who are accustomed to noncarnivore concoctions like walnut burgers and the fungus protein Quorn.
The restaurant takes its commitment to what it says is a more healthful plant-based diet a step further. Not only are there no meat, fish, eggs, butter or dairy products but also no wheat, corn or soy. And nothing is cooked.
out some raw facts about good health
Scents sink in to revive skin, spirit
Nothing's cooking in plant-based diet
Sep. 30, 2006
Sharon Mcdonnell,Special to the Star
Trelawny, Jamaica—Vowing to sniff my way to wellness, I inhale deeply the aroma of lavender, jasmine and carrot seed oil as they are massaged into my feet.
Dieting with raw foods, reflexology, shiatsu, tai chi, repairing emotional wounds through psycho-kinesiology, preventing diabetes naturally, traditional Chinese medicine like acupuncture, and "Oriental visual diagnosis" — figuring out health problems from the eyes and face — were also taught by experts in Jamaica.
A plant-based diet of vegetables, fruits, nuts and
seeds — but no dairy products, caffeine or refined
sugar — is healthy because cooking destroys nutrients
and enzymes in live foods and brings toxins into the
body, and can be tasty as well, Latham explains.
Latham trains vegan and raw-foods chefs for various
hotels, and offers consulting, catering, and nutrition
How about a sprout burger? A sprout burrito? At this Kapahulu eatery, nothing gets cooked
By Michelle Ramos, Star-Bulletin
Wednesday, July 1, 1998 (very old)
Off Kapahulu's main drag of fast-food eateries, there sits a small brick building serving homemade burgers, sandwiches, cookies, brownies, fresh juices and other morsels that, besides being edible, have one thing in common. They are all raw.
Instead of ovens and microwaves, the store uses dehydrators and sprouters. Instead of chemically processed ingredients, the store uses living plants, which can be seen growing out of black plastic containers sitting on wire shelves behind the cash register.
Raw foodists meet for Vibrant Living Expo
By Connie Korbel Of the Advocate
The concept of a raw foods lifestyle is likely a new one, and possibly a conundrum for many, but familiar to the 200 or so attending the Vibrant Living Expo last weekend. Multiple events were held from 9 a.m. into the evening at Fort Bragg Town Hall and The Company Store, where the Living Light Culinary Arts Institute is located, from Friday through Sunday.
Whether a food fad or a sustainable life choice, there is a movement — some say a revolution — afoot. Scan the dozens of referenced pages on Google and the raw foods concept unfolds as less eccentric and vaguely squeamish to more tolerable and perhaps prudent, if pursued sensibly and in moderation.
"Living Nutrition" magazine, with subscribers in over 40 countries, asserts itself as the world's most progressive natural health periodical that teaches how to succeed at eating a diet of raw foods, how to self-heal using the body's natural ability to restore itself, and how to build sustainable vibrant health.
By Lisa Gross
Jennifer Cornbleet is the Rachael Ray of raw food. Her new cookbook, Raw Food Made Easy for 1 or 2 People promises to teach you how to make delicious and simple, uncooked, vegan dishes in less than thirty minutes.
North County home to two raw-foods restaurants
By: Louise Esola
Wednesday, June 7, 2006
A "Royale Cheeseburger" with all the trimmings.
It's not what you think. Nothing's been touched by heat or flame, and everything came from a plant, served cool and raw.
A Dish Best Served Cold: Raw Food
Raw food restaurants win over hippies and hipsters alike.
June 1st, 2005
By Annie Wilner
Since luxury well-being is the new urban chic, where health and peace of mind are the ultimate status symbols, a sprinkling of vegetarian raw food restaurants have cropped up across the country—from Bryan Au’s restaurant Pa-raw-dise in San Francisco, to Quintessence and Counter Vegetarian in New York and Karyn’s in Chicago.
Olivia Wu, Chronicle Staff Writer
March 29, 2006
Like all canny cooks, Cherie Soria knows how to hook her audience: with desserts.But Soria doesn't pull out the stops with butter, sugar, eggs and flour, baking them into fluffy confections.
She makes her magic with avocado and agave syrup -- and no baking at all. By the time her students taste her creations, they don't mind that those unexpected ingredients are the major components of their chocolate mousse.
As Soria would say, "If you can make a raw vegan cheesecake better than regular cheesecake, why would you eat regular cheesecake?"
by Myra Chanin
The purest of Manhattan food purists are currently down on elaborately-prepared cooked foods. So what are they up on? Elaborately-prepared raw foods like the resplendent meals prepared by Matthew Kenney and Sarma Melngailis, co-owners and co-chefs of Pure Food and Wine near Gramercy Park and Union Square. According to Melngailis, eating raw foods makes people feel light, clean, lively, and sexy. And is as cute and trim as a teenager, though he admits to being in his early 40s. Could it be that raw broccoli is better than Botox?
Delicious and dogma-free Jade Café needs only a more seasoned staff
The first great thing about Jade Café – a raw, organic, vegan fusion restaurant near Sunset Junction in Silver Lake – is its relaxed, nonconfrontational atmosphere. The small dining room beckons with dark wood furniture and warm red lighting; the staff is calm; and the menu offers no self-righteous mission statement.
Woman turns diet into successful career
By Harry Porterfield
December 1, 2005 - Karyn Calabrese has turned a personal health issue into a successful career as a unique restaurateur. She is a raw foodist and her Chicago restaurants were among the first of their kind in the country.She's a restaurateur who operates with a kitchen that doesn't have a grill, oven, microwave unit or fire. For Karyn Calabrese none of the above is necessary because her restaurant -- Karyn's Fresh Corner -- serves only raw food.
Canada's 'princess of punk' says her self-deprecating lyrics are autobiographical in nature ... and she's cool with that
By Sherri Wood, Toronto Sun
Up at 5:30 a.m., feed the dogs a homemade organic breakfast, pack the briefcase for the office, hit the dog park, then the gym, off to work, then home for a 9 p.m. bedtime.Welcome to a day in the life of Bif Naked, Canada's "princess of punk," in town Saturday for a show at The Phoenix.
The 34-year-old tattooed Can-rock vet (born an orphan in India and later adopted by U.S. missionary parents who eventually settled in Western Canada), leads a surprisingly non-rockstar lifestyle. The singer, who says her biggest vice is bubblegum, stays focused on her raw food vegan diet, her two dogs and her work -- namely, her new album, Superbeautifulmonster.
By Steve Billings
10/12/05Yes, rah, rah, raw! Santa Cruz embraces the raw food aesthetic at the overnight sensational Café La Vie
Raw vegetables fuel his `engine'
K. Srinivas Reddy
Saturday, Sep 17, 2005HYDERABAD: Who wouldn't agree that eating vegetables is good for health. But Jaggavarapu Rama Reddy would further qualify this statement. He would like you to eat raw vegetables and shun eating cooked ones. And you cannot disagree with him.
He has been on a raw vegetable diet for over a decade and is now a perfect picture of good health.
Raw meal
A look at the uncooked-food movement
by Starre Vartan
Will the oven become a passé appliance? Increasing numbers of health-conscious individuals are eating most of their food uncooked. Raw foods—food that is not heated above 120ºF—are being touted as one of the newest ways to eat healthfully and have a low impact on the environment, but can a person get all the nutrients they need without cooking?
Hurrah For Raw: Hallelujah Diet Helps Drop Pounds, Lift Feeling of Wellbeing
By Theresa Churchill - H&R Senior Writer
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Cindy Sawyer felt sick after almost every meal and had so much arthritis in her legs, stairs were almost insurmountable.
"I decided 47 was too young to feel this bad," she said.
That decision led the Lovington woman and her husband, Aaron, to make a life-transforming one to go on a vegan diet consisting primarily of raw vegetables and fruits. Known as the Hallelujah Diet, it's based on the diet God intended for Adam and Eve.
By Erin Madison, Gazette-Times reporter
Friday, July 1, 2005Professional body builder and vegan Robert Cheeke, right, works in a few sets while Tonya Kay, left, and Brendan Brazier stretch before filming for a movie about vegan athletes at Gold's Gym on Tuesday afternoon.
Three Corvallis residents are making a movie that will track a week in the lives of three vegan athletes.
[SoyStache Note: Tonya Kay is a raw foodist]
Racecar driver nearly sidelined
By Jean Enersen / King 5 News
Wednesday, June 29, 2005Four-year-old Gabe is learning how to become a racecar driver, just like his dad, Jerrod Sessler.
Jerrod races on the regional NASCAR circuit. It's his passion. But he was told he was about to lose everything because of an annoying mole.
Raw-Food Fervor Starting to Sprout
June 15, 2005 By Sarah Skidmore, The San Diego Union Tribune
It's raw, but it's hot.
Interest in eating food in its pure form, uncooked and unprocessed, is growing. Celebrities swear by the raw diet and local stores scramble to keep raw products in stock.
And at the uncooked heart of it all, are San Diego natives David Wolfe and Thor Bazler, the founders of Nature's First Law.
The movement toward uncooked food appears to be here to stay. Local workshops and menus that mimic mainstream meals can feed the curious.
By Jill Ann Perrino, April 6, 2005
CLEARWATER - A mere taste of a well-prepared uncooked pizza may have you reconsidering the notion that the raw food diet is a wacky trend on its way out.
Okay, it is a bit extreme and does require more equipment than a can opener, but that doesn't mean the food isn't fabulous. Especially when raw food mimics favorite foods such as pad Thai, pancakes and pies.
Raw food eaters thin but healthy
March 29, 2005
Fresh vegetables are a good source of vitamins
People who follow a raw food vegetarian diet are light in weight but healthy, according to US researchers.
It has been suggested that eating only plant-derived foods that have not been cooked or processed might make bones thinner and prone to fractures.
But a study in Archives of Internal Medicine found although bones were lighter on this diet, turnover rates were normal with no osteoporosis.
Seattle Cookbook Author Grabs National Award For Perfecting The Recipe For Compassion
Writer Wins `Proggy' for Dishing Up `Vice Cream' That Isn't as Sinful as it Tastes
For Immediate Release:
Seattle In recognition of his trailblazing efforts to provide conscientious cooks with healthy, humane alternatives to cholesterol- and saturated-fat-laden dairy frozen desserts, Seattle resident Jeff Rogers, author of the Vice Cream cookbook, has won People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals' (PETA) Proggy Award for Best New Dessert Cookbook. Proggys (short for "progress") are presented to animal-friendly people, companies, and organizations. Rogers will receive a commemorative plaque and will be featured on PETA's Web site, which is visited by thousands of people every day.
Raw food fad sprouting nationwide
Vegan diets eschew animal, dairy products ... and cooking
Sept 1, 2004
WOODSTOCK, N.Y. - Lunch crush is coming and the deli crew is busy making burgers, lime tarts and pizza dough. Things are really cooking — at least figuratively.
In fact, none of the food being prepared at In The Raw will touch a flame or a griddle. None of it will encounter a temperature higher than a sweltering summer day. All of it, from the vegan cakes to vegan burgers, is served raw.
It Raw!
Blenders, Sprouters, and Mashers Process Food in the East Village
by Debra DeSalvo
June 28 - July 4, 2000
"Yo! Any vegetarians in the house?" hollers of hip-hop's radical duo Dead Prez. A roar and dozens of fists rise up in CBGB, which is packed. It's 3 a.m. and the young, mostly Latino crowd has been hanging all night for a showcase of politically conscious Latin bands booked by Ricanstruction. Despite the late hour, the air is strangely smoke-free."Any vegans?!" More shouts from the crowd. "All right!" Stic nods enthusiastically, dreads bouncing as he hops back and forth.
"What about the raw foodists? Any raw foodists in the house?" A few whoops and hands shoot up, waving wildly. "Yeah!" Stic shouts. "That's the shit!" as Dead Prez slam into "Be Healthy," from their Loud debut album, Let's Get Free.
Raw food craze tackles cholesterol problems
Mon Dec 27, 1999
TORONTO-- A new food fad has dethroned veganism as the most rigid diet in North America. Some people thrive on a diet of uncooked foods, and a new study has found that eating this way actually reduces cholesterol to the same extent as cholesterol-reducing drugs.
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